Thursday, June 23, 2011

rwanda, day #9

(Tues, June 21)
had a slower paced morning at the hotel
hannah went to the genocide memorial
i started packing...and went for a run
we all went to Africa Bite for lunch
and then headed to the passport office for what we thought was just a routine "pick up our passport" appointment before a BIG appointment at the US embassy at 2 pm to start the visa process we will finish in ethiopia

when we got to the passport place, they said they wouldn't release levi's passport to us.
we were floored.
it was an obstacle we didn't see coming and it was hard to know how to react at that point.
we tried all we could to talk to them and get it straightened out...with no result.
we went to the US embassy, knowing we didn't have all that we needed.
as were were getting through security there, the friend i mentioned in my last post walked in.
such a blessing.
she calmed us down in an incredibly intense few minutes.
we spent 3 hours there. with lincoln and levi.
hannah was at the hotel with the other 3.
we got everything processed for lincoln...and they granted us an "emergency" appointment the following morning IF we could get the passport straightened out.
made for an uneasy evening/night...trying to pack to leave the next day, but trying to be prepared for pat and levi to stay behind.

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