Monday, June 20, 2011

rwanda, day #8

l and l slept until 5:45 am. i think lincoln would have slept longer...but levi isn't very quiet when he wakes up.
joshua still had a high fever when he woke up. we think he might have malaria. we don't know for sure. but, after talking to those that have dealt with it, we decided to get the treatment and start treating him. we also all had to be ready to be picked up to go to the office to wait for our last document by 7 am.
all 8 of us arrive at the office at 7:30 am. and the driver works on getting the medicine for joshua.
we waited in that office for 5 hours. it was a long wait. the kids handled it much better than pat and i. and hannah was a lifesaver.
we left at 12:15 with the document in our hands. hallelujah!!!
came back to the hotel for a little while. it felt like SUCH freedom after our morning!
spend a couple hours in the afternoon being shown/told about lincoln and levi's stories and then went to the orphanage to let them say goodbye. quite the afternoon.
i filled a small container with red dirt from right outside the blue doors at the have for them.
ate a delicious dinner - that i just have a couple random pictures that rebekah took. i wasn't really in a picture taking mood today.
joshua still had a fever when he went to bed. please pray he wakes up without one tomorrow.
today was the "big" day - the document we got. but we still have to get their passports and start the visa process tomorrow in order to head to ethiopia on wednesday. keep those prayers coming!!!! thank you!

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