Saturday, June 18, 2011

real time - saturday morning, june 18

this is a "real time" post. i can post words, just not pictures, so i'm emailing ali who is kindly posting for me. but, it takes forever to load pictures, so those are a couple days behind (ex. day #3 was wednesday, now it's saturday)

we did not get our "to whom" letter yesterday. so we didn't keep the boys last night. we had to take them back. but, we've since heard that we CAN keep them tonight...and from now on! and we PRAY we get our "to whom" letter on monday. we HAVE to have it then to finish on time to leave for ethiopia on wednesday.

and, please keep praying. rebekah was sick last night. and hannah this morning. and we're DEFINITELY adding 2 more little ones to the mix today for good.

thank you!!! we are good. just holding tightly to HIM and each other.
{and if i mention/think about sawyer tears immediately stream down my face. for some reason, i thought it might get easier as time went on....not so much.}

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