Saturday, June 18, 2011

rwanda, day #4

pat and i got up even earlier this morning. but we actually SLEPT, which was nice!
we left hannah at the hotel with r, j and b again. and we went to pick up lincoln and levi and then went to the passport office to start the passport procees for them.
and then to the ministry to let them know we passed court and need the LAST piece of paper to be able to bring them HOME!
then we went back to the hotel.
enjoyed the rest of the morning and afternoon with all 5 kids!
gave lincoln and levi baths.
bailey and i put lotion all over lincoln together - he seemed to enjoy that!
levi wore a shirt that i made him for his 1st birthday!!!! happy birthday. levi!
we had happy birthday balloons - they were a big hit!
levi REALLY came alive today!!! it was so fun! the first couple days i wasn't even sure he could sit up. well, he can sit up, crawl, pull up and even walk a couple steps!!!
we packed up (QUITE the undertaking!) and walked to the other side of the hotel grounds to play on a little playground. we also sat there and ate our lunch (that we packed in our backpacks)
it was a fun little while.
most of us rested for a little bit and hannah and i went for a walk. i'll have to do a separate post on that :-)
we took the boys back to the orphanage.
we LOVE driving down the road to the orphanage while all the kids in the area are walking home from school - i'll do a separate post on that, too!
after that we went to dinner at Sole Luna - YUMMY pizza!!
bailey lost a tooth one night - it was either this night or the night before. how fun to say she lost a tooth in africa?!?
had a FRUSTRATING evening trying to upload pics/blog.
finally just went to bed. and slept great! thanks for your prayers!!!

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