Friday, June 24, 2011

rwanda, day #10, ethiopia, day #1

(wednesday, june 22)
we were told to just stay at the hotel and peter would call us when he knew anything...he was going to do all he could to get our passport completed.
we ate breakfast.
finished packing.
my stomach was in KNOTS.

at 10 am he called and said we could come get the passport.
didn't really believe it (if you've been there, you understand that) until pat walked back out of the passport office WITH it in his hand.
the smile on his face was priceless!!!!

dropped pat off at the US embassy to finish levi's paperwork and the driver took the rest of us to Bourbon Coffee to grab lunch before we went to the airport

took off from Kigali International Airport at 3:15 pm.
i was glad to make it out of there..WITH pat and levi.
but it was quite emotional to leave with lincoln and take them from their "home"

arrived in ethiopia at 7:45 pm
got to the guest house at 10 pm and tried to find what we needed to go to bed!
whew! we made it!!!

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