Friday, October 29, 2010

updates on life

this will be all over the place. i apologize in advance. but it's life these days...
i need to update on so much...and i have some cute pictures to keep you interested :-)

sawyer and potty training:
it's done. he's potty trained! pee and poop. i know. i can't believe it either. it just "clicked" last sunday. it took almost 2 weeks. 2 miserable weeks. in hindsight, i did it too early. it would have been WAY easier if i had waiting a couple more months. but, it's done. and he does wear pants now. but i just LOVE his little bottom in he looks like this quite often :-)
she is the happiest, most joyful person i've ever met. and i'm so thankful that i get to be her mom. she's also VERY tired and has a really hard time in the afternoons. but the mornings together are the highlight of my day.

it's full of fun around here. halloween, that is. the kids dress up. they are ALL having fun parties at school today that they get to put their costumes on for {rebekah: "bed head" - i have no idea...her and a friend came up with it...but it involved NO costume, so i was all for it!; joshua and sawyer: firemen; bailey: today - bride, tomorrow for the church trunk or treat it will be something different i'm sure and then another one on sunday...she just picks out of the dress up box}. trick or treating in our neighborhood is so super fun. like a big party! i hope i bought enough candy. i buy more every year and we ALWAYS run out and start giving the kids' candy away that they just brought home! we love it. and i can't wait to eat their candy! :-)
my heart:
it's a mess. no surprise there. i am really struggling. i've cried...SOBBED-cried every day this week. i've been in constant prayer and reflection. but it won't go away. it's deep and dark and heavy and not specific and impossible to try to explain.  but i think/hope/pray i turned the corner. this morning when i woke up, my heart felt a little "light" and there was a hint of joy that i didn't have to fake. God has been talking to me. but lots of other things have been, too. so i'm still trying to wade through it all and hear the TRUTH. i really think telling myself, "God loves me." over and over for 24 hours helped. amazing {why do i think it's amazing? duh! but, still, it is!} i will share more when i can articulate it better...but thank you for your prayers...keep 'em coming...and if you have any "TRUTH" to share...i'm all ears!
he is the most amazing husband ever.
and loves me SO perfectly.
our afternoons:
they are getting better. the homework stuff is going smoother. the chores are getting done without reminders. but they are still my least favorite part of the day.
our adoption:
the short update: nothing new. the wait is longer than ever. a year at the least? 3 years possibly?? we just don't know.

during this process, i have never seen God work more clearly in my life.
yet i have also never been so SAD and HURTING and IMPATIENT in my life.
i remember the "stress" of the paperwork part of this and thinking, "if we can just get to the 'waiting', then i'll just enjoy life and wait patiently until it's His timing for our boys to come home." ha!
the paperwork part was a BREEZE compared to this...
i have felt such an urgency the last couple weeks...yet no movement...but i wonder, one day, when we know "their" story - will this time in October 2010 be a pivotal part?? we'll see...
it doesn't help that the process has changed umpteen times since we started the Rwanda program.
but it DOES help that we KNOW beyond a shadow of a doubt that God is with us and with those boys and we {well, i will...pat will endure my crying :-)} will press on until His will is done.
i also know now that Satan is against us. he is fighting tooth and nail to discourage make me turn me from the One that can comfort and strengthen and love me. he has won battle after battle. but he will NOT win in the end and i am certain of that.
"Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go." 
Joshua 1:9

and i'm out of pictures.
so, that's the end of the update.
i feel like there's more but i need to run...

Thursday, October 28, 2010

such love

the jewelry party was yesterday.
but it was NOT just a jewelry party.
it was an outpouring of love for me...for our family...for our boys in Africa.
and it was SO good for my heart.

christy asked me months ago if she could do this.
it was such a sacrifice for leave her husband and sweet son for a couple FLY here and pack up and unpack and repack all her jewelry...
my gratitude to her seems insufficient.
but i just keep praying she would be blessed somehow, someway that will blow her socks off! :-)

the jewelry is GORGEOUS!
bailey LOVED modeling the little girls' line :-)
sawyer loved that grandma was here!
SO many sweet friends and family came {and ordered online if they couldn't come!}
i don't know the total yet...but i think you all put a significant dent in the money we need to bring those boys home one day.

as much as i LOVED the party and the day...i think my favorite part of the visit was our time on the couch the night before.
christy is such a REAL person and she somehow brought things out of me that i didn't even know were in there! and still loved me. oh, how she knows how to love...
me, christy, mary and peyton
me and my sister.
now if there would just be some MOVEMENT in rwanda so we can GET to our sweet boys...will you pray with us??? thank you!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


and tonight i feel like He is saying,

"wait...My timing is perfect...wait..." with the sweetest most patient whisper in my ear

{even though i want to SCREAM! at it! i can hear it...thank you, Lord...}


this decision is consuming.
i go back and forth daily.
from "we should DEFINITELY stay in the rwanda program" to "we should DEFINITELY switch to the ethiopia program" and everything in between.

according to pat, we are waiting "30-60 days" and we'll make our decision then.
we are both open to either.
we just want to KNOW one way or the other.

it's consuming me.

i pray CONSTANTLY that He would make it CRYSTAL clear.
i know He can...please, Lord...

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