Thursday, October 28, 2010

such love

the jewelry party was yesterday.
but it was NOT just a jewelry party.
it was an outpouring of love for me...for our family...for our boys in Africa.
and it was SO good for my heart.

christy asked me months ago if she could do this.
it was such a sacrifice for leave her husband and sweet son for a couple FLY here and pack up and unpack and repack all her jewelry...
my gratitude to her seems insufficient.
but i just keep praying she would be blessed somehow, someway that will blow her socks off! :-)

the jewelry is GORGEOUS!
bailey LOVED modeling the little girls' line :-)
sawyer loved that grandma was here!
SO many sweet friends and family came {and ordered online if they couldn't come!}
i don't know the total yet...but i think you all put a significant dent in the money we need to bring those boys home one day.

as much as i LOVED the party and the day...i think my favorite part of the visit was our time on the couch the night before.
christy is such a REAL person and she somehow brought things out of me that i didn't even know were in there! and still loved me. oh, how she knows how to love...
me, christy, mary and peyton
me and my sister.
now if there would just be some MOVEMENT in rwanda so we can GET to our sweet boys...will you pray with us??? thank you!

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