Saturday, June 11, 2011

our itinerary

this picture has nothing to do with this post. it is just the epitome of this week...i took sawyer's wet bathing suit off as we walked into the house one afternoon...and then got sidetracked before i got his clothes...and found him like this a few minutes later. SO cute!


this is it.
my last post before i'm in AFRICA!

we leave at noon eastern time on sunday, june 12 from dulles.
we arrive in ethiopia at 7:45 am on monday, june 13 (they are 6 hours ahead...i added a clock at the bottom of my blog showing the current time in rwanda)
we have a 3 hour layover..and leave ethiopia at 10:50 am that same morning.
we arrive in kigali, rwanda at 1:35 pm on monday, june 13.

we might get to meet the boys that afternoon. visiting hours at the orphanage are 9-11 am and 3-5 pm.
we will definitely meet them by tuesday morning!

we will be in rwanda from june 13 through june 22.
the first few days we will just be able to visit the boys at the orphanage.
once we pas court, we can have them all day long and take them back to the orphanage at night.
once we have our final piece of paper, the "to whom" letter, we take them for good!

we head to ethiopia the evening of june 22.
we will be there until july 1.
the time in ethiopia will be doing what needs to be done to get lincoln and levi's visa's to enter the US!
AND enjoying africa together!!!

we leave at 10:50 pm on july 1.
we arrive at 8:40 am to dulles on july 2. we are flying ethiopian airlines and are on flight #500 (for those of you coming to the airport - in case you want to check the status!)

we'd love anyone and everyone that wants to be there, to be there! BUT...i'd love a few minutes to be reunited with sawyer first, before i hug all of YOUR necks!!! i'm sure you understand!

it's a 17 hour flight. yikes. makes me want to cry just thinking about it! we could REALLY use your prayers those 2 days!

here we go!!!

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