Saturday, May 21, 2011


we've been studying "heaven" in our small group for the last few months.
and, i don't know exactly...but these days lately feel like SUCH a taste of heaven to me...just all the love and support that we feel flowing out of those around us that just want to be CLOSE to what God is doing.

it's an amazing story and i feel BEYOND blessed to be one of the pieces of it.

yesterday was a sweet day...many sweet moments...

*stood at a playground for 2 hours with a friend while our kids played. we are SO alike. she "gets" and verbalized things i'm feeling now. things i'm worrying about. knew things i'd be thinking about for when we arrive back home. and she made me LAUGH - which i didn't realize how much i needed!

*our small group had us sit on the floor last night and they laid hands on our family and prayed for us. for our trip. for our family. for sawyer. they even had the kids come up from the basement and be there. it was holy. and so special to me. i will never forget it.

*AND...we were given travel dates and booked our TICKETS! {more in next post}

what a ride this is.
soaking in His goodness.
feeling so blessed and thankful.
NOT forgetting the long road that got us to this point.

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