Thursday, May 5, 2011

day 4...

it's been 4 days since we got our referral for our 2 precious boys.
it feels like WAY longer than that!
i know i would be amazed if i looked back on all that's been accomplished in these 4 days.
but i don't have time to look back.

i'm going to start each post with prayer requests for the near future.
many are asking for specific prayer requests and we are thankful...we can use all the prayers we can get!

prayer requests for may 5, 2011
*that i would be able to sleep - it's just not good for anyone or anything if i don't get sleep
*that our boys in Rwanda would feel HOPE
*that i would be able to meet everyone's hearts...Pat's...Rebekah, Joshua, Bailey and Sawyer...and, that when i can't or when i fail, His grace covers my shortcomings

we've started receiving gifts from family and friends and it's so humbling!

my brother and his family came over last night. it was so great to see them all! their excitement means the world to us. we LOVED sharing the boys' pictures with them. and they brought some fun things off our registry!!! it makes it all feel VERY real!

i had a hunger pang for the first time today since monday. i have had NO appetite. i have to remind myself to eat. normally, i would be excited about this. thinking maybe i would drop a few...but, you know what? i could care less! i just want to do all i can do to get ready for my boys!!!

i ran 3 miles this morning! my foot felt fine. but i wanted to DIE. it's so frustrating how i could run 12 miles 2 months ago without even thinking about it and now i can hardly run 3 miles. but, you know what, i could care less about that, too! well, truthfully, i do care a little bit about that. i just DO love to run. but, i care WAY less than i would have a couple months ago! but, everything pales in comparison to the JOY of our boys being so close to coming HOME!

{the kids opening packages that arrived today!}
it's been crazy.
MUCH to think about and do and process.
lists all OVER the place.
i have a pad of paper by my bed. i filled 2 pages of it through the night last night. in the pitch black, i would roll over and write whatever i thought of that i needed to remember to do in the morning. there was writing on top of writing. but, it helped to get it out of my brain and onto paper.

but...somehow, through Him, i've been able to keep my priorities straight. eyes are on Him. if i've learned ANYTHING this last year, it's that i'm NOT in control and HE is. He is the Author of this story. and it's so beautiful. i'm keeping my eyes on Him and just ready and waiting to see what's next.

second...Pat. we have to stay strong. we have our moments. but, mostly, we are great and i'm so thankful. he's amazing. kids. this is huge in their lives. i'm staying very attuned to them and their moods and what they say and what they do. everyone seems good and excited at this point. but...i am watching closely! i have to stay as rested and healthy as i can. i'm taking a sleep aid again tonight. i have to sleep. i'm forcing myself to eat even when the butterflies are so many that i don't think i can. i'm exercising because it's good for me AND i love it.
sawyer is doing a great job in his new room and bed :-) how cute is that??

bailey seems to have gotten pat's bad cold. she was asleep before 7 pm tonight. poor girl...
this girl is a ROCK. so thankful for her.
still no news on travel dates.
probably won't hear anything definitive for a week or so. i wish we would know sooner, but we know it WILL be soon and i'm choosing to be good with that.

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