Monday, April 4, 2011

WE GOT OUR APPROVAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

can you believe you just read that?!?

i can't believe i just typed it!!!

we've been waiting for this moment since may 27, 2010! when we submitted our paperwork to rwanda.

10 months of waiting.

did i do it well? that is up for debate. but, WE DID IT. we walked through it and we made it!!!


i got up early this morning to read before sawyer got up.
right before i went to get him, i hobbled downstairs and to check my email real quick - so i wouldn't be on the computer once he got up.
i checked my email...then checked my spam folder (i check it every few days...specifically knowing our approval could go there since it's coming from another country!) and i had an email from a person with a REALLY long last name and the subject line was something about "in response to your request to adopt". i just STARED at it for a couple minutes! COULD THIS BE IT?!? or is this some crazy spam email and i'm going to get a virus if i click on it??? i seriously couldn't figure it out! i finally clicked on it...and it was our APPROVAL!!!! at least, i was PRETTY sure. but not 100% convinced. so, i forwarded it to our agency and asked if it really was. but, this was at 6:30 am. they would not be getting back to me for a few hours. and pat is camping and out of cell phone coverage so i can't call him. oh, AND, this email had been sitting in my spam folder since FRIDAY!!! crazy! :-)

so, i got sawyer up and tried to pretend like it didn't happen.
i didn't know WHAT to do!
i was guarding my heart...
we played. i went to the gym. ran a couple errands. as i was driving, our agency called me and she said,

AHHH!!! YAY!!!
THEN, i was excited!
EXCEPT i couldn't tell ANYONE since i couldn't get in touch with pat!

so, i went on with my day and was just waiting for him to call...he FINALLY called at like 2 pm on his way home.

he was so excited!

and i could finally SHARE THE NEWS!!!

we had a celebration dinner in the porch...

and rode our bikes to get ice cream before everyone collapsed into bed...
TIRED, excited parents!
so...what's next, right??

we wait. again. :-)

but, there is an end in sight for SURE!
we will definitely be bringing our 2 boys home in the next few months.

the next step will be another email with a picture of each of our boys...our "referral".
we will accept the referral.
and then, shortly after, go GET them!

we could get our referral in as few as 3 weeks from now...or 2 months from now...we will see!!!

THANK YOU for your excitement and support!

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