Tuesday, April 5, 2011

{i'm good at waiting!}

so far.

i mean, i know it's only been a day.

but i'm GREAT at this :-)

it's like i've been given a whole new bottle of patience and hope and it's just so GREAT!
i remember feeling like this right after we turned in our paperwork last may.
so hopeful. and expectant. and beaming. and excited.

and then, as the months wore on, it wore off.
it got harder.
and the beam dimmed.
and the hope turned to despair.

i KNOW it sounds dramatic {and maybe i am...just a bit...but it's also the truth.}

this is just sweet.
it's been a good day and i'm just enjoying that.
and i am NOT taking that for granted.
{even if i have to hobble through it...it was a great day!}

i know we still have an unknown wait ahead of us.

but, so far, i'm handling it beautifully!
{i hope you can sense the slight sarcasm...}

this was from breakfast the morning we got our approval.
when i wasn't quite sure it was for real. and, if it was, i couldn't tell anyone because pat was gone and i unreachable.
i LOVE how sawyer says, "africa!"

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