Saturday, May 1, 2010


ran 12 miles (yay!)

pat and joshua headed to his baseball game.

i headed to rebekah's soccer game with the other 3.

my parents came out this morning to see rebekah and joshua play!
{and they brought nephew...who they are watching this weekend!}

there was even some "Go Fish" on the sidelines...

rebekah is LOVING soccer!!

then we headed to joshua's game...made it for the last inning!

{i know, i know, i said i wouldn't document each one...but the GRANDPARENTS came out!}

pat coaching joshua...

"good game, good game...."

my dad wasn't mad...i think he was telling joshua what a good game he had... parents had this behind their car as they drove all over Ashburn this morning!
stuff that people have given them for our yard sale!
they brought a load this morning...because they have 2 more loads worth at home!!!
this is getting VERY exciting!!! you should see our basement and garage and living room!!!

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