Thursday, May 6, 2010

i cried a lot today

i am just overwhelmed with the amount of support and encouragement that is coming at us from every angle.

i made it until 5:20 am...when i checked my email and someone said to be expecting some boxes full of stuff for our yard sale in the mail today {more on that later!}

the crying might have had a little to do with the fact that my house looks like this:

this is my dining room...boys clothes on one side, girls on another...

the living room/foyer...but, for those of you that know me and know how much of a clean freak i am, would know how much it means for me to say that all this "mess" is really not freaking me out that much.

we made some signs with facts of Rwanda on them.
i had some sweet helpers :-)

and, while bailey was at ballet, i took my boys on a date.
for lunch at chick fil a.
{i had a gift card from my birthday...}
there were a number of reasons for this date:
1. i think this was my first *real* meal all week. and i needed some real food.
2. i couldn't really get anything done at home during the few minutes between dropping bailey off and picking her up and this was a much better way to spend those minutes. looking at my boy's faces.
3. i was pricing stuff up until we left for ballet and didn't make joshua's lunch (that he has to eat during ballet because he gets on the bus the minute we get home) so it was convenient!

time with these 2 is so so sweet.

i cried.

and...we arrived home to a front step full of amazing treasures!

first...these boxes from judy.
THANK YOU, judy!
i cried.

almost every time we drive up to our house, there is stuff waiting for our yard sale.
it's amazing.
for real.

AND...don't forget that we also arrived home to news that someone had found bailey's castle!

there have been amazing emails and phone calls...with offers of help that are just so generous.

and i just received the first donation for our bake sale! WANT to have some of them!
thanks, leighann!!

wouldn't you have cried all day, too??

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