Thursday, May 27, 2010


so...our dossier arrived and was signed for in Kigali, Rwanda this morning!

it was so fun to follow it via the FedEx website for the last few days :-)

people keep asking, "what's next????"

here's the "timeline"...BUT keep in mind that all these timeframes,etc are just approximate. when you are dealing with other countries...and especially African countries...things do NOT go according to "schedule" these are just estimates.

first we have the longest wait of all...7-9 months from when our dossier arrives in Rwanda (so...that timeline starts TODAY!!!!!) until we get "approved" by their government to adopt.

then once we get our approval, the government sends our information onto the orphanage and the nuns that take {excellent} care of all the children will match us with our new sons! that will happen about a month or so later. that is when we will receive pictures of our actual boys {our referral}!!!

once we accept the referral for the boys they match us with, there will be a court date set for them to officially become ours. we will not be at the court date...we have a POA in Rwanda that will stand in for us. the court date will be about 6 weeks after we receive/accept our referral.

then we will travel about a month after our court date! we can't book our flights until we get through the court date and we know for sure that they are ours! which will make that last month very exciting ;-)

we will go to Rwanda for a week.
and then Kenya for a week to get our sons' visa's to come into the US {the embassy in Rwanda isn't set up to issue visa's}.

so...that's "what's next!"

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