Sunday, May 2, 2010

here we go!!!

it's the week of our big yard sale!!!

we have been preparing.
we painted the banners last week...

ALL weekend long our doorbell rang with amazing people standing there ready to unload their cars with treasures for our yard sale.

people that have come alongside us and are loving us in so many tangible ways.

it would (and will be) easy to get caught up in the "stress" that this week will hold.
i'm trying to keep things in perspective...and remember what this is all about.

it's about 2 little boys that don't have a family.
it's about a family that loves God so much that we are willing to open our arms and hearts to 2 little boys we don't know.
it's about love.
His love...played out in REAL ways.
we are just the instrument...the song He is playing is beautiful.

{i do NOT mean to romanticize this...there is horror in every adoption...painful, awful stuff...BUT God has called us to this and He is working this out and THAT is beautiful.}

this adoption process has been amazing so far.
i have seen God is ways i never have before.
i know Him in a way i never have before.
and we have only just begun!

yet...i have been humbled like never before.
i do NOT like to ask for help.
and i've had to...over and over.
every time the doorbell rang this weekend, there were 2 emotions warring within my heart;
my love for the person that was willing to give to us,
and my pride wanting to scream "we're fine! we don't need help!"

God is working on me...
and it's very tiring :-) we go!
a BIG week!

THANK YOU to everyone that is helping/praying/supporting.
we could NOT do this without you!

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