Sunday, February 21, 2010


i've eaten all the candy that pat gave me for valentine's day. every.last.piece. i'm disgusting.

rebekah is doing "cup stacking" in p.e. right now. seriously? that really annoys me. it's ridiculous. that does NOT count for physical activity.

i want another 2 feet of snow. i'm sorry to those of you that don't agree with me. but i do.

i have so great recipes to share when i get a chunk of time...stay tuned!

the sun was out today. and it was above freezing. we went for a walk and it was wonderful. i looked up the weather and it's supposed to be cloudy ALL WEEK. sadness! unfortunately that really affects my might be a long week.

it's time for us to receive our I171 {approval from the US govt to adopt} in the mail. everyday when i go to get the mail i get nervous...and anticipate seeing it as i look through each piece. and everyday it isn't there. i was fine about it until this past week. according to my "calculations" {which mean nothing, by the way} it's time...come ON!

this is going to be our first full week of school/work in over a month i think.
yes, it's going to be a long week...

as i was typing that i am realizing that i don't have a great attitude. i'm going to work on that. and grab this week by the horns {and NOT grab candy} and make some sunshine of our own! it might be a long week...but it's going to be GREAT.

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