Saturday, June 21, 2008

what the heck??

ok. it's getting late and i'm tired and probably not making sense anymore.

but, i'm sure you're thinking, "what the heck?"

you are about to have 4 kids. WHY are you thinking about adoption??

this is why:

God tells us to take care of orphans
There are millions of orphans out there
I love being a mom (and i don't think i'm too horrible at it)
We have the space
We have the resources
My heart aches for it every day - almost to the point of feeling like God is telling me to do it and i NEED to out of obedience

i'm not saying that God is telling EVERYONE to adopt and that you're sinning if you don't. but, i have learned in my Christian life, that if God is telling me to do something and i obey - i will experience HIM in a way that i wouldn't have if i hadn't obeyed His leading. I don't want to miss getting to know more of Him. this is one of the biggest reasons for me. why would i pass up a chance to see my God in a new way?? even if it's hard (which i know it will be) and even if it costs a lot (financially, physically, etc - which it will) and even if others don't understand (which i know they won't).

so, there you have it.

the beginning.
the why.

we'll see what God does from here.

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