Saturday, June 21, 2008

the beginning

the first time that we talked about adoption was either before we had rebekah...or right after. i remember sitting in our first apartment and talking about it with some friends of ours. talking about how great we thought it would be to have both biological and adopted children. we didn't talk about it often. and i don't remember talking about it much over the next few years.

we had joshua.

then we had bailey.

then God really started working on my heart. all of a sudden, it seemed like adoption was everywhere. and the statistics about orphans. and an unbelievable certainty that this is something we HAD to do. it just made sense.

yet it didn't.

we hadn't talked about it for about 5 years. we now had 3 children. and i wanted to be pregnant just one more time.

things were happening in my heart. God was working on me. i was terrified but excited to bring it up to pat...

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