Saturday, June 21, 2008

our 4th child

so, i bring it up to pat. he's all for adoption...for our 4th child. but i need to be pregnant one more time. i just do. so we start trying and, obviously, get pregnant.

yet every day of this pregnancy, i think about adoption. i follow other families' adoptions closely. i pray about it. but don't talk about it at all.

if this is God's will for us, then pat will have the same desire i do. i'm not going to try to "convince" him, or manipulate him. i know that adoption is something that we both have to be "on board" 150%. we have to be ready to fight. and i can't do it on my own. so i am constantly giving it to God. praying that He would either take my desire away...or increase pat's (at this point, more like create a desire in him).

we are now days away from having our 4th child.

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