Saturday, July 2, 2011

his first bath in america

guess what was {really} happening while everyone was waiting for us to get through customs?!?

lincoln was getting his first bath in america! :-)

he came out of the orphanage in a diaper. we quickly learned he was totally potty-trained {whoo-hoo!!!}

he only had 1 accident the ENTIRE trip.

until the plane ride home. he went #2 IN.HIS.PANTS a few hours in. he was sound asleep. woke up and just couldn't get it all figured out fast enough.

so. that's bad. but it was even WORSE because he had some ISSUES in that department. like, the SMELL was not your normal #2 smell {we have since had that diagnosed and treated and it's SO much better!!!}

i was way up in the front of the plane with levi (in a seat that had a little crib thing in front of it.)
pat was back with lincoln.
hannah and the other 3 were close to him.

bailey comes running up to me and says, "dad needs the wipes. NOW." i hand them over.
and try to not think about what it happening.

pat took him in the bathroom. threw lincoln's underwear away. and tries to clean him up with the wipes as much as he can. but the smell is NOT going anywhere.

the poor man on the other side of lincoln the rest of the plane ride...ugh.

so, we get off the plane and i can not even stand to walk NEXT to him! it's THAT bad. so, when we got our luggage, i tear threw them to find a change of clothes for him. hannah and i find a family restroom and strip him down and put him in the sink. we give him a bath right there in the sink of the bathroom in the customs area of the airport.

but i knew what was waiting for us. i wanted him to smell good :-) and i'm so glad he did!

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