Friday, July 1, 2011

ethiopia day 10

 we made the most of our last day in ethiopia.

evan and stacey had met a family last time they were here that have lived in ethiopia for about 1 1/2 years.
they are living in an area called korah (those that live there call it kore)

it's near a dump that many people live on...and make their living off of.

this family is running a day care for women to allow them to work better jobs so that they can provide for their families - and also teaching them about hygiene and giving them many other skills. it was amazing to hear about.

these are the children in their day care.
 you can sponsor the children...and this is the little girl stacey sponsered for evan as his father's day gift!

 the area in the distance is the dump.
many people search the dump for food for themselves...or for things to sell.
 our kids and their kids became friends instantly

 us and the snyders
 we drove around the corner, and were able to meet the women involved with a ministry called mission ethiopia. they make amazing jewelry. a few of them shared their humbling and beautiful! we loved a new necklace that there was only 1 of. so, they got to work and brought about 30 of them by our guest house later that afternoon for us to buy!

 handing out granola bars and candy
 i'm going to be honest.
the sights and smells we saw were VERY hard to process. i still haven't really been able to.
between seeing it, knowing my kids were seeing it and wondering what was going on in their hearts, plus the always there emotion of issues with our 2 new was just a lot going on in my mind and heart.

pat, hannah and i all 3 came home literally feeling ILL.
i don't know what else to say about it.
not ill,  like "that was gross and i never want to go back." but ill, like "how is it that some people live like this? why????"

 the necklaces that were brought that afternoon

 we finished packing, ate an early dinner, and took a couple pics before being driven to the AIRPORT TO COME HOME!!!!

 i love this picture!
 the beginning of a very long trip home...

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