Saturday, April 24, 2010

oh how she gets it

i've been DYING to share this post...but i had to'll see why!

a few weeks ago, my friend robyn, commissioned REBEKAH to make shirts for her 2 kids.
not me.
robyn GETS how rebekah GETS this adoption thing (and water thing...and loving others thing...she's amazing!) and she wanted to give her an opportunity to raise money for her 2 brothers to come home.
robyn, i can't thank you enough for this opportunity!

so, i bought the shirts.
rebekah picked out the fabric.
i helped her draw the shapes ("water drop" for jackson, "africa" for belle)

there were some learning moments...she cut out the first water drop very sloppily.
i made her re-do it.
lesson on doing things WELL. especially when you are doing them for someone else.
but we should always do things WELL!

she was nervous to push the pedal and guide it through the machine herself.
but i wanted her to feel the accomplishment...and she wouldn't if i did it for her.
so i encouraged her from behind (and prayed REALLY hard! because i wanted her to feel this accomplishment!)
and she did great.
it took FOREVER.
but she did great!!!

and i don't think she would have that light in her eyes if i had pushed the pedal or guided the shirt through the machine.

rebekah, i'm so so proud of who you are. of how you love everyone around you before yourself. you inspire me. i love you so so much!

here is the video of robyn's kids receiving their shirts.
i SOBBED. to be a part of this whole big thing God is doing is just amazing.

i have no more words.

**edited to add: you WILL be able to order these from rebekah...more to come on this soon! (once our dossier is on it's way -we're SO close! and the yard sale is over in 2 weeks!!!!)

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