Monday, September 21, 2009


i'm just not.
is that ok?
i'm not in a huge rush.
it seems many blogs i've read of people's adoption journeys, they are in a rush.
"we got our paperwork done in 2 minutes."
"we finished the _____ in 1 day."

and it's just not in me.

yes, we're ready.
we're ready to welcome 2 more precious children into our family.

but i have 4 kids looking at me each day.
they need me.
i can't completely focus on the adoption paperwork.
i the few minutes i get each day {or night}.

but i have to find a balance.

and sometimes it makes me feel like i'm not doing enough.

but then i give it to Him.
and i feel His peace.

i'm not.
but He is.
and that's where i'm going to leave it.

{i assume i'll feel more "in a rush" once we're furthur in the process and "those kids" have faces.}


Christy said...

i LOVE this...
wow this blog just gives me goosebumps...
being a part of this journey with you TOTALLY gives me goosebumps!!...

Renee said...

I hope you don't mind all of my comments! You definitely have the right attitude about it. Even if you get all of the paperwork done today, you're still waiting on your social worker for your HS. I felt like I was ALWAYS waiting on someone else. NOTHING moves fast with IA, and trying to control only makes you trust in God less. I moved pretty slow the first time, but by the time I was applying our most recent agency I was flying through it. And I have to admit, I totally neglected my kids for about 24 hours with the paperwork for the referral. But it really is different now, like you said. I feel like the faster we go now, the sooner we get her home!

anthonyandbeth said...

i like the idea of you keeping up this blog! i'm so glad!

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