Thursday, September 17, 2009

phone call

we received a phone call from Terra today...our "Family Coordinator"

i don't think we can expect to receive many phone calls from our agency through this process. most correspondence will be through email and mail.

so, i'm documenting it.
for me.
and for those who might be interested in the details of this process.
i wish that i had been able to follow someone closely through this.
i kind of feel "alone" in it.
similar to when i was pregnant way before any of my friends.
but, i've done it before.
and i'll do it again. :-)

she said, "this is your official "welcome to the rwanda program" phone call!"
and then proceeded to tell me about an email she had just sent with about 100 pages for us to print out and read (all the info on our homestudy and dossier).

i just spent awhile organizing all the paperwork we have so far that is "adoption-related" and trying to get a good system going. it is VERY important to keep track of all these agreements/certificates/receipts/etc.

she said we should expect to hear from our social worker in the next few days in order to start our home study!

1 comment:

Renee said...

I found the dossier to be so confusing. And filling out the immigration paperwork was hard too. US Gov documents are always confusing! Ha, just think of taxes! Don't feel bad to call or email your coordinator. At first I felt bad to bother our family coordinator/case worker/social worker, but after a while I decided it was more important to do things right the first time and, anyway, that is what they are there for, right?

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