Monday, August 17, 2009

telling the kids

we told the kids last night.
started by reading some verses about caring for the poor...widow...orphan...
talked about it.
reminded them of things we've done, people we've helped.
then, pat told them we want to adopt 2 kids into our family.
to be their brothers and/or sisters forever.

i was watching rebekah's face as pat said it.
she swallowed hard.
then her face lit up.
and she whispered, "cool!"

there were many questions from joshua :-)
he wanted to know everything.
and we know nothing...yet...

bailey even seemed to "get it" in her own little way.
asked a couple questions.

we encouraged them to pray with us...and on their own.
that's basically all we can do at this point.
and then we prayed together as a family.

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