Tuesday, August 25, 2009


"she" called today to let us know we were accepted into the rwanda program!!!
for 2 sweet kids!!!

tears sprang to my eyes as soon as she said the words.
i'm not sure what i said.
something along the lines of, "wow! i'm so excited!" i think. :-)

i called pat at work to tell him
{i never call him...so i'm pretty sure he knew before i even said anything}

she sent a couple emails with a lot of attachments for our next step.

i'll get there.

right now i'm just excited!

1 comment:

Renee said...

I'm always at a loss of words when they call for something like that. Even when we got the referral call (which was a pretty big surprise) I didn't really react or know what to say. I think I said, "Oh my gosh, I can't believe it," quite a few times. I didn't even tear up until we got off of the phone and Damien & I hugged.

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