Thursday, December 30, 2010

it was like being in a 5 hour hug!

we spent the afternoon/evening at my parents...doing "christmas" with my whole side of the family.
it was so sweet and special and fun...

the kids' stockings:
dinner...all 15 of us at the table!
i think this might have been my favorite part of the night...just the "big kids" (the 4 smith kids and our spouses) sitting at the table after everyone else got up...talking and's blurry, but the memory is not.
my mom had a gift for each of our boys in rwanda! how sweet is that?!?

it was like being in a 5 hour hug...walking into "home" many hugs and stories and laughter and great food and smiles and LOVE.
it was good for me!
thanks for all you did to make it SO special, mom and dad!!!

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