Wednesday, October 28, 2009

why i won't be posting today...


{pat is taking today off to do all of this...after the crazy day yesterday it's making today even that much crazier...}

this is insane.
you don't have to read it.
it's more for me...

5:15 Courtney up - run and read
5:45 Pat up - to church for men's morning thing
6:30 C make lunch for Rebekah and get breakfast set up
7:00 Kids up, dressed and fed
7:30 C and 4 kids take Rebekah to school
7:35 C home - take shower {while Sawyer takes everything out of the bathroom cabinets and drags it all over the upstairs}
8:00 P home from church
C leave for dr - have TB test read from Monday and get bloodwork drawn for physical
8:30 C at dr {they open at 8:30}
P leave home with 3 kids and meet C at dr.
9:00 P get physical including bloodwork {you have to fast...they didn't tell me that...}
C head home with 3 kids
9:30 Home - Sawyer nap
10:00 Mom arrives {!} and stays with 3 kids at home for the rest of this madness...
P gets home {hopefully}
C and P leave together for post office
10:30 and 10:45 Passport appointments {praying for no "hey, you needed to fast" surprises here...form printed off and filled out but not signed...}
11:15ish leave post office and head to sheriff's office
by 12? C and P at sheriff's office getting fingerprinted
1ish C and P grab lunch somewhere and run by grocery store to get a couple things for meal C is making for someone tomorrow...
2 C and P get home
2:15 C go up to school to pick Joshua and Rebekah up from school
P wade through emails from work
2:50 C (and Rebekah and Joshua) get home
2:50 C and P leave to go back up to school for parent-teacher conferences
3:05 Conference with Joshua's teacher ("he's very quiet"...)
3:30 Conference with Rebekah's teacher ("she's a little too talkative"...) :-)
4 C and P home
Mom gets to leave! {THANKS SO MUCH, MOM!!!!!!!!!!!}
Kiss sweet kids
Hear about their days
Make dinner
Eat dinner
5:45 Leave for Joshua's soccer practice
7:15 Home from Joshua's soccer practice

and at the end of this day all our paperwork should be done for the homestudy!
hoping we will be moving quickly through the rest of the homestudy.
trying to be patient.
trying not to think about who's kissing their faces when they are sick.
who's losing sleep about them when they don't seem "right?"

this will be a crazy day.
but i would do it again in a second if i had to...for them.

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