Friday, August 15, 2008

it's back

i'm thinking about it every day again. sawyer is 3 weeks old. i admit, for about 4 weeks (the last TORTUROUS week of pregnancy and the first 3 weeks of his life) i haven't thought much about adoption.

but it's back.

had a conversation with becca, mary and ali yesterday about it. i forget who i've told my "dream" to - but i think it's slightly obvious just where my heart is...that i have such an interest in adoption/orphans/africa.

it got my heart racing again...

i haven't had too many conversations with people about it. when i do, it's pretty short and i don't REALLY share how strongly i feel about it. i guess i'm scared that it will never really happen. that maybe it's not what God wants and then i'd look "stupid" for misreading Him. but the question i've gotten consistently is "Why do you want to?"

i don't have a great argument.

all i can say is, "it feels right" - there's a huge need, i have the desire to meet it, and i trust that God will give us the resources (financial, emotional, etc) to do it. that's it. no bullet points. just "it feels right."

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